Audio: Jason Miller discusses Internet Marketing Strategies for Law Firms on Podcast
Listen as Jason Miller discusses a wide range of topics concerning internet marketing for law firms, from knowing the difference between Pay-per-click traffic versus Organic SEO traffic to the importance of quality photography. If you are looking for inside tips on how to elevate your marketing game and grow your law firm, this podcast is for you. Jason Miller is President and CEO of Internet Lava, a rapidly growing Houston based marketing agency that focuses on providing marketing services specifically to law firms. Interviewing Jason is Jake Carlson, host of the Law Firm 500 Sneak Peak Interview Series Podcast.
Internet Lava has nearly a decade’s worth of experience in attorney marketing and provides their clients with a full range of internet marketing and web site development services. With clients in over twenty five different states across the U.S., their strategies are geared towards establishing a prominent online presence and attracting the types of clients or cases that are most profitable for their clients’ practices. Their services include website design and branding, search engine optimization, content management, video production, and marketing and advertising.
Law Firm 500 is the #1 event in the United states for solo and small firm owners who are serious about growing their law firms. More than 600 law firm owners will gather for this event to network, learn, and discuss what is new and upcoming in the legal world. The conference takes place at the Weston Lake Las Vegas Resort on October 18th through the 20th. Jason Miller will be speaking at the Law Firm 500 conference on October 19, 2018.