Internet Lava CEO, Jason Miller, to Speak at 2018 Law Firm 500 Conference

Internet Lava CEO Jason E. Miller will be speaking at the Law Firm 500 annual conference. The three day long event will host many influential speakers alongside Jason including famed consumer activist Erin Brockovich who will discuss environmental contamination, bad medical devices, and pharmaceuticals. The Law Firm 500 will also offer awards to several law firms for their growth throughout the year of 2018.

Jason will go over a wide range of relevant topics, but he will primarily be focused on:

  • Lawyer Ego Scams: What You Need to Know
  • Avoiding Common Mistakes in Your Online Communications
  • Importance of Quality Photography and Video in the Age of Generation Z and,
  • Internal Actions that Maximize the Value of Internet Marketing Costs

The conference ends Saturday night with a gala celebration and an award ceremony. The Law Firm 500 award ceremony will announce the winners of this year’s top 2018 fastest growing law firms in the country. This is the second time Internet Lava has sponsored the Law Firm 500 conference, and it will be the first time Jason will be given the opportunity to give a speech. The company was first introduced to The Law Firm 500 when they helped Meltzer and Bell, P.A. in being awarded the title of fastest growing law firm, in 2017. The Law Firm 500 award ceremony is always a refreshing change from all the continuing legal education courses that the company is subjected to from the other seminars they attend. Internet Lava is proud to be attending the event and looks forward to sharing our knowledge and expertise on what it takes to make a law firm reach their maximum potential.

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